Alfred & Bhavin are on a run from X to Y.
Alfred runs half the way & walks the other half. Bhavin runs for 1/2 the time and walks for the other half. They both run and walk at same speeds.
Who finishes 1st?
What other mathematical aspects of this caught your attention? What do you wonder about the situation?
.1. I made pasta!
— Fawn Nguyen (@fawnpnguyen) September 11, 2020
2. Happy football is here!
3. If you're not watching, this is for you :)
A & B are on a run from X to Y. A runs half the way & walks the other half. B runs for 1/2 the time and walks for the other half. They both run and walk at same speeds. Who finishes 1st? pic.twitter.com/0xMotiYHIL