I've redacted several parts of this article. Can you provide a reasonable interpretation for each item?
There's a long history of UFO sightings. Air Force studies of UFOs have been going on since the 1940s. In the United States, 'ground zero' for UFOs occurred in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. The fact that the Roswell incident was soon explained as the crash landing of _____________ didn't stem a tide of new sightings.
The majority of UFOs appear to people in the United States. It's curious that Asia and Africa have so few sightings despite their large populations, and even more surprising that the sightings stop at the Canadian and Mexican borders. That is most probably explained _____________.
Most UFOs have mundane explanations. Over half can be attributed to _____________ _____________, and the planet _____________ .
Such bright objects are familiar to astronomers but are often not recognized by members of the public. Reports of visits from UFOs inexplicably peaked about six years ago.
Speculate about the reason why that might be: _____________.
How would you go about testing that hypothesis? _____________
Many people who say they have seen UFOs are either dog walkers or smokers. Why? Because _____________.
Sightings concentrate in evening hours, particularly on Fridays, when many people are _____________.
A few people, like former NASA employee James Oberg, have the fortitude to track down and find conventional explanations for decades of UFO sightings. Most astronomers find the hypothesis of alien visits implausible, so they concentrate their energy on the exciting scientific search for life beyond the Earth.