Math Arguments

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Item 536

Rounding Errors

Discuss Rounding.

"I realised today that if your number has been rounded to two decimal places as 7.15, then you actually can't know if the nearest one-decimal-place number is 7.1 or 7.2."

"Our gradebook allows us to round to 0,1,2 or 3 decimals. Kid displays 79.4; could round to 80 because it's 79.49 which rounds to 79.5 which rounds to 80. Don't know unless you see multiple places."

"Kid would show 79.5 but earn a 79 because he really had 79.49. If we only display 1 dec, hard to understand. Took lots of guessing to figure that out!"

Which of these statements has merit?
Why? Why not?

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