Math Arguments

Problems, Questions, and Puzzles to spark discussion and argument in the maths classroom.


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Item 232

Fahrenheit to Celsius

We all know the conversion from °C to °F: multiply by 9/5 (or 1.8, if you can't handle those evil fractions) and then add 32. The conversion from °F to °C is the opposite process: subtract 32 and then multiply by 5/9 (or 0.555555555).

That's cumbersome for mental math. Here's a shortcut: subtract 30 and divide by 2 OR multiply by 2 and add 30.

- How good is that shortcut?
- Are there temperatures that it's okay for?
- Are there other temperatures that the shortcut is too far off?
- Is this just another stupid shortcut? Should we NixTheTricks?

What other mathematical aspects of this caught your attention? What do you wonder about the situation?

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Notice, Wonder
MS Math

Source: T.R.Milne
More Information:
Noticing and wondering is a tool to help students:
- Understand the story, the quantities, and the relationships in the problem.
- Understand what the problem is asking and what the answer will look like. Have some ideas to begin to solve the problem.
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