4 of 4 Items .... Type: Constructions

Problems, Questions, and Puzzles to spark discussion and argument in the maths classroom.


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Straightedge, compass and a pencil ... GO.

.: [GEOM], [T.R.Milne], [Constructions].

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Ok, you have a straightedge and a compass, and a steel point to scribe with.

Geometrical constructions ....



Images are of the Alhambra, of course.

.: [GEOM], [Curmudgeon], [Constructions].

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From manuscript dated 1585, Houghton Library.
MS Typ 108. Geometrica et Perspectiva Corpora Regulata et irregulata.

.: [GEOM], [T.R.Milne], [Constructions].

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.: [ALL], [Ed Southall], [Constructions].
that's it.