Math Arguments

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Item 450

Choices, choices ... Lottery Winnings

You won the Lottery, but not the top prize. Instead, you get to choose which way you get paid your winnings (and we're going to assume "no taxes" because you're awesome). You will be paid for 3 weeks (7 days a week) plus one more day for good measure, so a total of 22 days. You get to choose from these options:

  1. You get $100 for the first day, $200 for the second day, $300 for the third day. Each day you are paid $100 more than the day before.

  2. You get 1 cent for the first day, 2 cents for the second day, 4 cents for the third day. Each day you are paid double what you were paid the day before.

  3. You get 1 dollar for the first day, 1 dollar for the second day, 2 dollars for the third day. Each day you are paid the sum of the two previous days.

Which do you choose?

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MS Math

Source: T.R.Milne
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