Math Arguments

Problems, Questions, and Puzzles to spark discussion and argument in the maths classroom.


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Item 24

Learning time

Read this post on lost learning time.

Here's his basic point:

... roughly 10 of 60 minutes are not spent learning.
In one day, roughly 50 minutes.
In a 5 day week, 250 minutes.
In a typical school year, 8,700 minutes not utilized for learning.

Now, let's be realistic and cut that number in half because we all know there are assemblies and other events that cut into learning time throughout the school year. That leaves us with 4,350 minutes of time not spent learning.

  1. Do you agree with his analysis?

  2. How about his calculations?

  3. What should be done?

What other mathematical aspects of this caught your attention? What do you wonder about the situation?

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Notice, Wonder

Source: T.R.Milne
More Information:
Noticing and wondering is a tool to help students:
- Understand the story, the quantities, and the relationships in the problem.
- Understand what the problem is asking and what the answer will look like. Have some ideas to begin to solve the problem.
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