10 of 10 Items .... Course: Politics

Problems, Questions, and Puzzles to spark discussion and argument in the maths classroom.


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.: [Politics], [internet], [The RealWorld].

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Huffington Post:

According to the most recent CDC estimates,
autism spectrum disorder has been identified in about 1 in 88 children, and autism is more likely among boys, among whom prevalence is estimated at 1 in 54.

What does that make the rate for girls?

If the vaccines are the cause, why would there be such a difference between the genders?

If thimerosol (a mercury compound) is the cause, why have the rates of autism RISEN after thimerosol was removed from MMR vaccines?

If the only study to show a link ever done (Wakefield) studied a tremendously small number of kids, was proven to be insurance company scam fraud, was shown to have critical flaws in methodology and analysis, and was proven wrong over and over and over and over again, ....

Kristen Cavalieri:
"There's really scary statistics out there, and to each their own. Autism wasn't prevalent -- like it is now -- years ago, so something is going on, whether it's the chemicals in our food or the vaccines," she continued. "Something is happening, and we can't really ignore that. I choose to believe that I think it's in the vaccines but, again, to each their own and that's where I stand on it."

Let's toss in the Jenny McCarthy Death Count.This is a record of deaths and illnesses that could have been prevented by vaccines but the parents were convinced by Jenny to refrain from damaging their kids.

You can keep up to date with the Jenny McCarthy Body Count.

You can check this data at the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Reports, if you trust those **scientists**.

You can read the American Academy of Pediatrics summary.

Or you can listen to a woman who has never taken a college-level science class in her life and was so crazy not even Jim Carrey could stand it for long. If you favor the crazy, you can read Jenny's old website
(Internet Archive link) and get insight into her belief that she's an "indigo mom" (sort of a superior species of human) and that her son was special and would have been the start of a more highly-developed race of humans .... until he contracted autism.

(Her son's autism diagnosis has been questioned because she claims that he was cured of it by chelation therapy, the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body. If that had worked, we'd probably be using it a lot right now ...)

.: [Politics], [internet], [Find the Error].

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Explain Marginal Tax Rates.

.: [Politics], [internet], [Terminology].

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Should the Drinking Age be lowered to 18?

Find data, graphs, visuals, to support your argument. Possible approaches include:

College policies
Driving, accidents
Brain (neurodevelopment)
Acceptance of reality.

.: [Politics], [T.R.Milne], [The RealWorld].

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The Internet has allowed many people to speak about things they have no expertise in, yet sound very knowledgeable and be very persuasive. Other people with bad intentions can spread mis-information deliberately, and very effectively. People with a bias, either explicit or implicit, can spout off and be very offensive - sometimes rising to the level of direct threats or incitement to violence.

Is it time to revisit the First Amendment?
If so, how might it be changed?

.: [Politics], [T.R.Milne], [The RealWorld].

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In the 2020 election, there were 150 million voters. The US population is 330 million (or so) and of that total, 250 million are adults.

Should all citizens have the right to vote?

Some states block felons from voting - are there any citizens who should be disenfranchised for criminal, mental, racial, sexual, religious, or other reasons?

Is the age limit appropriate?

Should non-citizen residents have the right to vote?

Should voting be mandatory?

Some demographic data:

.: [Politics], [T.R.Milne], [The RealWorld].

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.: [Politics], [Reddit], [Graphicacy].

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Is this a good argument for reforming or abolishing the Electoral College?

.: [Politics], [Reddit], [Graphicacy].

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.: [Politics], [Reddit], [Graphicacy].

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Is banking through the US Post Office a good idea?
Discuss the pros and cons.
Include payday lending in your discussion.
What does "usury" mean?

.: [Politics], [T.R.Milne], [Equity].
that's it.